All we hold dear……. Nick Nichols
Jack Adams is a lawyer, struggling to return to his practice after his six-month suspension. His friend Mike Mason, who is also a lawyer offers Jack a probate case defending the estate of deceased Beth Thomson. Will Thomson, Beth’s husband of thirty years, had shot her and her 24 year old daughter who was engaged to be married. After which Will had burned down their house and shot himself as well.
All Jack had to prove was that Beth was not involved in causing the entire incident and make a wrongful death claim, so the estate could be passed on to her father Stan Knight who gets everything. Will Thomson’s side of the family was also filing a probate, but Jack had all the cards in his favor. Jack desperately needed the case so he could get back to being a lawyer again. He was very mindful of mistakes committed in his last case which had led to his suspension.
The reason for the murder/ suicide was not on the agenda. It was a simple probate case, but things turned and suddenly it didn’t seem simple anymore. Everyone around the Thomson’s seemed to have secrets and were not telling the whole truth. The reasons for the murders suddenly became the most important aspect of the case and Jack had no option but to delve into the why’s of the murder/suicide.
This legal thriller had me totally captivated. It was fast paced, and I was able to finish the book in two sittings. Jack’s character was totally devoid of drama and seemed very real. The characters in the story were very logical. The story had me interested till the end. Thank you #netgalley for the book. I enjoyed it immensely. I would rate it a cool 4 out of 5.